Le Mensuel Bleu

Opinion, Octobre 2018

- 9 Octobre -


Shame on GWRC for missing the opportunity to truly transform the bus fleet to electric.

Shame on GWRC for failing to put us on the path to sustainable transport and instead, commiting the region for 10 years of more diesel than 2017.

Shame on GWRC for each time a diesel bus blows its fumes into our lungs.

Shame on GWRC for making the noise levels on our main arteries simply unberrable at peak times.

Shame on GWRC for misleading us in stating the bus trolleys would be converted when it is far from a done deal.

Shame on GWRC for stating air pollution levels would drop, and omitting to mention it didn't take CO2 into account.

Shame on GWRC for stating aspirational goals to go electric but failing on setting us on the path to it.

Shame on GWRC for breaking the trust we have in our institutions.

Shame on WCC for implying, during last election, it would work at delivering a fully electric bus fleet and repeats today it has nothing to do with the bus network.

Shame on our politicians to deliver half baked, mild, tiny, underwhelming steps to address humanity's biggest threat, climate change.

Shame on us for accepting to be governed by these politicans.

$5.5B surplus

Le gouvernement NZ vient de dévoiler ses comptes et a trouvé un surplus de 5.5 milliards de dollars! J'ai bien une petite idée de ce qu'on pourrait en faire: "Amazing. Please, please, spend this money in transforming our society and the economy to a sustainable one: 100% renewable energy production, transition our transport means (bus, cars, trucks) to electric, transition our agriculture to lowest emission, etc etc etc ...we know what to do and have the money to do it."

- 12 Octobre -

Westland submission

Le Department of Conservation a soumis a l'intention du public son plan de gestion du Westland park, sur la cote Ouest de l'Ile du Sud. La partie la plus notable de ce plan inclut la construction d'une telecabine pour aller visiter le glacier. J'ai aujourd'hui envoye ma soumission.

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- 22 Octobre -

Mail to Sarah

Preoccupe par certains projets que de gros promotteurs ont pour Wellington, mais aussi, plus pragmatique, embetes par des nuisances sonores bien tangibles, j'ai cherche a recontre ma conseillere municipale pour discuter. Elle s'est montree tres disponible, et nous avons passe une bonne heure a echanger. Pour resumer notre entretien, je lui ai ensuite envoye un mail.

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