Le livre d’Adan

Adan a ecrit un livre avec son ami Marshall. C'est etonnamment long, bien structure, avec de multiples personnages faisant rebondir l'intrigue plusieurs fois. Ka pai Adan!

One day Tom woke up and got ready for school.

-I’m heading off to school, mum.” he said.

-Okay hun, I hope you fall into a pit and die!”

-You too.” he sighed and he headed off.

On the way to school, he ran into the bully Finn.

-Oh hello little brat!” Finn said with an evil grin on his oh so ugly face.

-Not this again.” Tom thought, ever since year two, Tom has been Finn’s number one mugging target. So far at highschool he already lost about two hundred dollars, maybe a bit more.

Anyway after a long tiring day of being bullied he headed home got shouted at by his very mean mum and headed to bed.

Benoit, le 7 Mars 2023




Le recit d'Adan