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Press & Reviews

Mon Ami


Since our opening, we have received many feedbacks from our customers, all very positive. Many thanks to those who encouraged us! We also have received reviews from the press.

You can also write a review. Just click here, you don't even have to register. You can also send us feedback directly by email.

Press & reviews

14.December 2009,

See the original here.

13.October 2009,

See the originals here and here.

11.September 2009,

See the original here.

11.August 2009,

See the original here.

December 2008,
Café culture

Dominion Post

02.October 2008,
The Dominion Post

Dominion Post


10.September 2009,
A customer sent us an email:

‹‹ ... the concept [of the cafe] and the food are excellent!!››

21.March 2009,
A customer sent us an email:

‹‹ ... The "strawberry terrine" and the "Waffles" look terribly delicious ! To be fair all your menu is "hunger-appeal", even at 3 o'clock of the afternnon!

I have excellent memories of the ambiance in this caf�. I wish that people appreciate your decor and your menu as far as me :-) All the best !!!

28.Jan 2009,
A customer sent us an email:

‹‹ ... And thanks so much for all the really great coffee over the last few months. I've got quite picky with where I purchase my coffee from these days and rather critical of bad baristas/blends etc.

Yours is by far the best I've tried in Wellington (...) Keep up the great work.››

8.Oct 2008,
A customer sent us an email:

‹‹ ... just came into Mon Ami for the first time - what a beautiful cafe you have ... and the best coffee in town as well.
(My wife and I always drink People's Coffee at home!)