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Mon Ami

The cafe

When we looked for the premises, we were after a place that could be turned into something cosy, warm, casual and friendly. Once found, we worked hard to turn it into the café as it is today.

wifiThe café has got a wifi hot-spot that our customers can use for free!

Welcome to Mon Ami! Let us present you the café as we've set it, to your best enjoyment, we hope.

Mon Ami

For start, some of the furnitures, we bought them. Some, we didn't! For the tables, we've found these massive slabs of wood (macrocarpa), we've sand them, polished and oiled them. Yes, that has been hard work, and yes, the tables weight a lot!

And so did we for the benchs. We are quite proud of the end result, and we believe that you will like the feeling of the wood when you have your coffee, while reading the newspapers or magazines.

The tables are quite long and can easily accomodate 8/10 people, which is ideal when having a morning or afternoon tea with friends or colleagues. Don't hesitate to share the space with people you don't know: a friendly smile is an easy one to break the ice and ask for room!

Behind your shoulder, hitchhiking with a bottle of wine, our special character, "Biloute". This name probably doesn't ring a bell. That's the very welcoming nickname we give to friends to cheer them, in North of France. If you call Francois, our cook, "Biloute", you'll instantly make a new friend! The tables
Our tables are great (or we believe they are!) but you may want to enjoy the comfort of our "lounge" area, with four large chairs and a big couch. Sit back and relax in this cosy and friendly environment, great on your own, to chill out, or with some friends! The lounge
Next to the plants and stones, we've installed a few tables for two. They are located along the windows, to watch the world go by. When the sun's out, the light goes thru the windows and make it a very pleasant place for casual discussions or business meetings. The lounge
To finish the visit, the kitchen, of course, located in the main room. Not that we invite you to sit there, but now you know that all our food is home-made. Come in the morning and enjoy the smell of the dishes being cooked. Then you feel at home! The kitchen