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Mon Ami


At Mon Ami, we are passionate about the outdoors. As soon as the opportunity arises, we embark on journeys. And sometimes it is even possible to do so from the comfort of the living room, with a good book. The ones you find at the caf� are those we loved, which made us dream, taking us in the wild, remote outdoors.

For each book you buy, you get a Mon Ami bookmark!

Gourmet Tramping in New Zealand
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"Gourmet Tramping in New Zealand "

- John Sawyer and Liz Baker -

Maybe you fancy the idea of preparing and eating a chorizo sausage and fennel risotto, accompanied by a Cloudy Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, at the Nydia Bay Hut in the Marlborough Sounds?

Or perhaps you would prefer to watch the sun go down while you dine on a pork fillet with lemon, olives and couscous, plus a bottle of Trinity Hill Hawke's Bay Chardonnay, on the slopes of Mt Ruapehu in Tongariro National Park?

Gourmet Tramping in New Zealand is all about indulging your senses in the spectacular surroundings of the back country. The authors have never been fans of bird-seed scroggin and energy bars, or boil-in-the-bag, just-add-hot-water, instant pasta blarrrrggh carried by the average tramper. If, like them, you love tramping but also enjoy eating scrumptious food, this book will be more valuable to you than insect repellent, earplugs or a Lonely Planet Guide.

Don't hesitate to drop us an email if you want us to keep a copy of this book for you.

Journeys, encounters and adversity
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- $ 15 -

"Journeys, Encounters and Gentle Adversity"

- Malcolm Gunn -

In this book, Malcolm gathers records of expeditions that he, alone or with friends, have done around the world, mainly on sea kayak.

Be it along the fjords of Tierra del Fuego in South America, along the Queensland coast or down the Yukon River, the journeys are narrated with a typical kiwi sense of humour, thru which perspire deep admiration and respect for the places he had the chance to visit, for the people who have crossed his road.

This book is a very pleasant one, written in all honesty. We can guarantee you'll have a good time reading it.

Don't hesitate to drop us an email if you want us to keep a copy of this book for you.

Into the Wider World
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"Into the Wider World "

- Brian Turner -

The author is one of this country's best known and best-loved poets and also one of its most determined conservationists.

In this beautifully illustrated anthology he brings together both old and new essays, columns, articles and poetry that concentrate on the wild places and outdoor pursuits he loves and of which he is such an unabashed, articulate and passionate champion.

One of New Zealand 's finest poets and prose writers, Brian Turner was the Te Mata Poet Laureate in 2005. He is the author of numerous volumes of poetry and a very fine memoir. He lives in Oturehua, in central Otago's Maniototo district.

Don't hesitate to drop us an email if you want us to keep a copy of this book for you.

Touching the void
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- $ 28 -
(instead of $ 30)

"Touching the void "

- Joe Simpson -

Mr Simpson and his climbing partner, Simon Yates, had just reached the top of a 21,000-foot peak in the Andes when disaster struck. Simpson plunged off the vertical face of an ice ledge, breaking his leg. In the hours that followed, darkness fell and a blizzard raged as Yates tried to lower his friend to safety. Finally, Yates was forced to cut the rope, moments before he would have been pulled to his own death.

How both men overcame the torments of those harrowing days is an epic tale of fear, suffering, and survival, and a poignant testament to unshakable courage and friendship.

Don't hesitate to drop us an email if you want us to keep a copy of this book for you.